Friday, June 22, 2007

A Few More Things...

Ready for more? Sure you are!

32. Picnic Bugs. I think that is what they are called. Anyway, tonight I was outside enjoying my PBR in a can and these things would not leave me alone. Serious. At first I thought it was ‘cause I smelled bad, but after I finished the beer I set the can down and sure enough went right for it. Thank god.

33. The potholes on Race St. I’ve busted two bike tires within blocks of each other on Race St. within the year, which is totally lame.

34. The existing (but not for long) Champaign Public Library. Can you believe that this building even won an award for it’s architectural design? It looks like an old factory converted into storage shed that happens to have books in it. Thank god it’s being replaced. And for only 30 million dollars!

35. Sidewalks that have a 7 inch curb. I know back in the olden days all sidewalks had huge curbs, but it is totally dangerous today when 95% of the sidewalks have smooth inclined curbs, and the rest don’t. I never see them coming until it’s too late.

36. Those commercials for Tatman’s Auto Body. An ad worse than the Ovaltine ones!?! You gotta see it to believe it!

37. The Produce at IGA. I do like Jerry’s, really it makes me feel good knowing my groceries are “Hometown Proud”, but when the veggies look the way they do it’s really hard for me to eat a balanced diet.

38. ATM charges for foreign ATMs. I know this is a more universal gripe but I really hate them. To take out 20 bucks it can cost 5 bucks in charges! I hate that.

39. The stupid crosswalk on Springfield Ave. with all the flashing lights. I hate this thing. I don’t understand why the pedestrians can’t walk to the corner and cross the street with the walk sign just like people do on every other street in CU.

40. Billy Barooz. Right, so I got 2 rum and cokes there and when I got my bill each one was $8.50. WTF? That totally sucks. Chicago prices, but here, in Central IL.

That will tide you over for a lil’ bit. Right? While you’re waiting for more try and help by fixing some of these lame things, m’kay?


Lynndi Lauper said...

I think you're going to make it! These examples of lameness are just as lame as the first set, so I have total confidence that you can come up with the other 65 things that stink about CU. You could make several different points about the recent wave of arsons and kidnappings and how they relate to other lame things, and you've always got the fallback of things that sort of stink about CU PLUS the things that stink everywhere INCLUDING CU!

Hon Don Gerard said...

Taffies commercials - especially the one where the cherry falls messily off of the sundae.

SweetBetty said...

I really enjoy the Taffies commercial where the waiter speaks in broken French, but it's a toss up with the one where the socks are talking to each other.

Hon Don Gerard said...

"Là où vous pensez vous êtes? Tah-FEES???"

Tommy Sedseaux said...

#41 - Local interest blogs which only post once a month. Come ON!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.