Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Art Smart

How idealistic to think that money would flow like the boneyard in a rainstorm into Urbana by building art galleries! I must concur with Sweet Betty.
But there's another insightful point she makes. The CU student population can't get enough alcohol. Why not make an old idea new, and invigorate downtown CU by creating a scene that is both functional and decorative?
I think we need gallery/bar hybrids that fuse the energy of Urbana's dormant art spirit with the seemingly endless alcohol economy.
Wouldn't art and booze bring artists and boozers alike to downtown Urbana? And wouldn't both of these populations fuel an economy, build a community, and create an attraction worth driving across town (if not downstate) for?
I would be the first one to sit down for a drink after work, and four hours later, feel like maybe I just can't leave without that Monet behind the bar ;)

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